Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Sometimes I get overwhelmed by how my body and soul are so separate. I can see this image of  myself trapped in a large hollow cave screaming at the top of my lungs, but no one can hear me. In this picture, my body is the mountain in which the cave lies and I am my soul, tucked deep in the heart of the massive mountain.  I am smarter than the mountain, able to think, speak, move, rationalize. I am aware of how things are, unlike the mountain which is solely shaped by its surroundings of the outside environment. Unfortunately, I am trapped in this gigantic stone cage, not able to use myself to my full potential, and I am screaming to get out.

I hear my soul's voice echo, much like you would a person yelling from inside a cave. It calls out; "Love, with all you are, unconditionally. "

I can't say I am always good at listening to my soul. Much like a mountain, my body is also weathered and worn by the judgment and influence of others. I cave and chip to wind, the rain and the sun as they beat away at all the things I know to be true.  I notice the echoes fading as my soul becomes weaker and weaker.

Then I hear someone else; "I know you can do it. I love you. Love others: with all you are, unconditionally, as I have loved you." This voice stirs me. I can hear my soul's echoes become louder with this voice and I can feel my stone break away. The mountain moves. For a short moment I am one, body and soul the way I was meant to be. But all too quickly the storm clouds roll in, the hail and rain beat against me. Still there is that strong echo; "I know you can do it. I love you. Love others: with all you are, unconditionally, as I have loved you."

Why is unconditional love so difficult? Why is it so hard to see through a person's flaws, sins, inadequacies and see the beauty our Father sees in us?

John 13:34: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 

I think one of my favorite things about this is that Jesus says this right before he sends Judas out to turn Him into the authorities. In my mind this is intentional. He doesn't say "Love one another, as I have loved you, until your brother sins against Me, then hate him."  Jesus knew what was about to take place. I think about what would have be different if Judas had not killed himself. What would Jesus have done when He rose three days later? I think He would have embraced him like the prodigal son. He would have loved him. 

My soul wants to love like Jesus. My body wants the opposite. So that battle continues, my soul screaming at the top of her lungs for this mountain to move. Praise God that he can move mountains, that He can speak to my body and my soul and teach me to love unconditionally! Praise God for Jesus living in my soul and His magnificent voice echoing through my body!